Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The New Face of Louis Vuitton: Lightning

(c) Polygon

The newest spokesmodel for the Louis Vuitton brand is recognizable to many who have followed her exploits... in a video game.

Lightning, one of the protagonists of Final Fantasy XIII and two spinoff games, will be in ads for the French designer's "Series 4" line this Spring.

We welcome the rise in virtual people in the real world.  With Hatsune Miku and the other Japanese Vocaloids becoming worldwide superstars and the rebirth of a young Bruce Lee in the latest Ip Man film, we at Future/Culture Magazine believe that 2016 will be the year that virtual humans become a common sight in America.

For more information, check out this link:


(c) Polygon

(c) Polygon

Friday, August 7, 2015

TJL-2080 on the Robot Overlordz podcast

This Tuesday, Future/Culture Magazine founder TJL-2080 will be on the Robot Overlordz podcast, discussing Human Enhancement and his work with students with disabilities.

We will link to the podcast as soon as it is released.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Updates and News

Updates, updates...

We are very busy here, working on a lot of content to bring you in the coming weeks.

Very soon, we will publish our interview with the hottest name in futurism today, Miss Metaverse.  Be on the lookout for that.  Also on tap are interviews with Maria Konovalenko, Christopher Jannette and Luis Arana.

Miss Metaverse

There will be more audiovisual content, including short films, more podcasts for you to listen to, movie reviews, music videos, etc.

We will also have articles on Augmented Reality, Hatsune Miku and Ingress - three related, but separate things of interest to our community.

If you have some art or feel you have something to say about Future/Culture, contact us on Twitter @TJL2080 to find out how to get your work seen here.

Oh, and... Who is Luna?

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


I have spoken with the people at Robot Overlordz podcast and I will be a guest on their show in a few weeks' time.  We will be discussing a number of topics, including the use of technology in education, particularly Special Education, as well as societal trends in wearable computing.

I'll let you all know when to look for it as soon as it happens.


Robot Overlordz Episode 168 - Made in the Future


SPECIAL GUEST: Amy Zalman. The world is changing before our very eyes. On the show we've talked with a number of futurists, many of whom are members of the World Future Society. On this episode, we're joined by the CEO & president of the WFS, Dr. Amy Zalman, to take a look at the role this organization is playing in shaping the changes that are affecting our world. We also talk with Amy about this year's World Future Society Annual Conference, being held July 24th through 26th in San Francisco, titled Making the Future. Recorded 5/3/2015.

It can be downloaded at  https://robotoverlordz.fm/show/228-ep00168-notes

Robot Overlordz - Episode #166 - AgitaTED!!


SPECIAL GUEST: Rachel Haywire (INSTED). Technology. Entertainment. Design. TED. The TED conference and the foundation that runs it have become a viral sensation on the Internet. Their videos have been viewed millions of times by people all over the world. But has this success resulted in a dilution of the very things that TED seeks to promote? We're joined this episode by Rachel Haywire, the founder of INSTED, an anticonference that seeks to create a new space for disruption, dissent and innovation. The first INSTED is set for 5/2/2015 in Los Angeles and there are some bigger possibilities ahead as well. Recorded 4/27/2015.  It can be downloaded at https://robotoverlordz.fm/show/224-ep00166-notes

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Robot Overlordz - Episode #163 - Sex Machina!

The newest episode of Robot Overlordz (one of our favorite podcasts) is up!

By Bagogames (Ex Machina Movie Review) [CC BY 2.0], via Flickr
SPECIAL GUEST: John Danaher. We're joined by again by our guest from Episode 150, John Danaher, to talk about the impact, philosophy, and legality of #sexrobots. Is society ready to deal with these technologies? What impacts will these robots have on our relationships, on our lives? What responsibilities do we owe to the consciousnesses we may create? Will these help or hinder our quest to better treat each other? Join us as we dive into these questions. Recorded 4/19/2015.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Robot Overlordz Podcast # 162: Thoughts of the Future

Robot Overlordz is a podcast all about the future.  So we dig it.  Every Tuesday and Thursday, we will link to their latest podcasts.  We also recommend going back to previous episodes and giving those a listen as well.  Guests have included Katie "Miss Metaverse" Aquino, Zoltan Istvan and many others.

The link to the most recent episode is here... https://www.robotoverlordz.fm/show/217-ep00162-notes

3...2...1... Launch!

Welcome to Future/Culture Magazine, which is actually more of a blog, but sounds cooler.  As you can see from the mission statement in the description above, this site is all about the changes in modern society brought on by the rise of the information age.  We will be examining...well... the culture of the future before it arrives.  It is not too difficult.  We look at history, trends, science, socioeconomic and political changes, philosophy, art, music, entertainment, technology, and the people who will be leading us into the next phase of our digital lifestyle.

In the coming weeks, we will be profiling and interviewing Kira Marie Nightingale (aka Crystal Violet), futurist, musician and founder of Radical Science News.  We will also review books by Zoltan Istvan, Ramez Naam, Rachel Haywire, Dr. Aubrey de Gray and Dr. Ray Kurzweil.  There will be a retrospective of the canceled-too-soon television series Caprica and we will delve into the futurist views seen in the films Interstellar, Limitless and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

We welcome your submissions.  Just email them to our Editor-In-Chief, Travis James Leland (aka TJL-2080) at tleland1980(at)gmail(dot)com and put Future/Culture Submission in the header.

We in the Future/Culture Magazine offices are excited to see where this goes.  We hope you stick with us as we head into the future.